• At Recovery Connect, we take pride in offering comprehensive vehicle transport services. We can transport all types of vehicles, catering to a wide range of needs. Whether you drive a small car, a large SUV, or anything in between, we've got you covered!

  • At Recovery Connect, we understand that when our clients require a recovery car service, it's typically to transport their broken-down vehicle to one of the following destinations:

    • The nearest garage to the location of the breakdown.

    • The garage they regularly do business with and trust for repairs.

    • Their own driveway or street, allowing them to schedule repairs at a later, more convenient time.

    • Alternatively, we can deliver the vehicle to your preferred destination.

    We believe in providing flexibility and convenience to our customers. While these are the common destinations, we don't impose any restrictions on where you need to go. Just inform us of your preferred destination, and we'll ensure a seamless and hassle-free transport service tailored to your specific needs!

  • We may sometimes require a deposit upfront, but we will let you know when you speak to us.

  • At Recovery Connect, we offer you flexible payment options to make the process as convenient as possible. You can pay for our services using either cash, card or bank transfer. We are now also offering interest free payment plans! We understand the importance of providing multiple payment methods to accommodate your preferences. Whether you prefer the ease of paying with your card or have cash on hand, we've got you covered.

  • We offer Clearpay, a way of spreading out the cost of your recovery into 4 interest free payments. To find out more click here.